It was on January 22, 2023, at 4:47 pm when Jesus brought me to meet this Woman of Honor, Kathryn Kuhlman. She was very kind and of course I knew who she was. She said, “Hi Shoshana, the Lord is going to do mighty things through you.” I thanked her and told her that I was honored to meet her. I then asked her what the hardest thing she went through on earth was. She told me that the hardest time for her was when the Lord took her father home. She told me that we would all rejoice together one day very soon. She told me that she was praying for me and the rest of the world. I thanked her for loving and serving Abba Father with all her heart. I told her that I honored her, and that she inspired me and many all over the world. She began to talk about what she wanted the people to know. She told me that no matter what your situation is or where you come from, always believe in yourself and what the Lord is doing in your life. Always believe that the Lord can and will use you for his Glory. She said, “Never doubt who you are or who you belong too.” She told me that she never thought that she would touch so many lives. She said, “I gave myself completely to the Holy Spirit, you see, it is simple, what is inside of you is great, but you must step aside and allow the Holy Spirit to take over.” I encourage all of you today to give up your own will for your life and completely surrender to the Holy Spirit. Step aside and let the Holy Spirit lead you and your life will never be the same. I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me to meet and be counseled by this woman of honor, Kathryn Kuhlman. May we all walk in humility and complete surrender to the Lord in Jesus name. All Praise and Glory goes to God!!! Hallelujah!!!
Thank You Jesus!!!
Much Love and Blessings from my Heart to Yours,
Prophet Shoshana Rubin