On the morning of February 15, 2023 @ 10:05 am I was in the spirit with the Lord Jesus, and he took me to meet Moses. Moses walked up to me and said Hi Shoshana, I want to talk to you about something. I said Hi Moses, what do you want to talk to me about? He said I want to talk to you about doing the will of the Lord. He began talking to me about his experience at the burning bush. He told me he was confused, fearful, and doubtful while the angel of the Lord was speaking to him. He said that he knew he had to trust and obey the Lord. He told me that I must always obey what the Lord tells me to do no matter what I face. He told me that the Lord would open the red sea for me, and I should always ignore all negativity coming from people. He expressed the importance of obeying the Lord and ignoring the murmuring of people. He said people will always talk. He told me people will not always be there, but the Lord will never leave you. Moses told me he was very tired of listening to the people complain. I was the one they were complaining too and about. I continued to trust in the Lord even when my family murmured behind my back, it was very difficult for me at times, but I knew that the Lord would speak for me. I knew he would show the people who I was in him and who he was in me. When the Lord showed his power through me there was no more denying me, everyone knew I was sent by God, just like you are Shoshana. Sometimes people cannot see a Prophet standing before them until the Lord shows his power through his Prophet. I want to tell you that you are a Mighty Prophet of the Lord Shoshana, know who you are and keep your eyes on Jesus. I want you to decree something right now, yes Moses. I want you to decree I am a Mighty Prophet of The Lord. So, I decreed it. Then the Lord spoke and said, I WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST, I WILL BACK EVERYTHING YOU SPEAK MY LOVE SAYS THE LORD. Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus. Then he told me he loved me and was praying for me. He said all of Heaven was cheering us on and praying for all of us. I told him I honored him for leaving his privileged life to help his people and thanked him for trusting and obeying Abba Father. He began talking to me about how the Lord gave him Aaron to speak on his behalf and announce him. He told me to embrace the one the Lord sends to me to speak on my behalf. Then Moses said Shoshana, I have spoken on your behalf. I have announced who you are to the world now you will introduce Jesus to the world. Thank you, Moses, Bless you. We can all learn from this, sometimes in life we all need a destiny helper. Someone God sends to us to unlock the door to our destiny. Moses’s brother Aaron did this for him. It may not be a family member, but rest assured the Lord will send someone, most likely someone you do not expect. Ask the Lord who they are, and he will make it crystal clear. Remember, even Jesus had John the Baptist to announce him. And then Moses said, “Shoshana you are a Mighty Prophet, I love you. I am telling the world who you are. I love you too Moses and Thank you so much, I honor you. I honor you too Shoshana. Then we hugged and he said everything is going to be more than okay. We will talk again soon and then we parted:) I am sharing my Heavenly experiences with you all not to boost of myself but to honor and praise King Jesus with all humility. God has shown me mercy and grace not because I am good but because he is good and he loves me. I do not deserve anything. Always remember, what matters is who the Lord says you are. Nothing is impossible with the Lord. The Lord will not be put in a box, he is doing a new thing. Hallelujah!!! Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Blessings from my heart to yours,
Prophet Shoshana Rubin